Sunday, March 11, 2007

the first candle

The desire and act of one blogger to get linked with another blog site is like lighting a candle to start lighting the candles of many others in order to create conflagration or what everybody wants---TRAFFIC. The first one to light the candle is a young man who has a total of four (4) blogs while at the same time is actively participating at Mylot forum. He is probably the busiest college student at the University where he studies, and all these interesting twists and turns in a student's life while in school, are contained in his blog at This young man has all the ingredients of success about him. Although I have not met him personally but his blogs tell me a lot about his energy and endurance to pursue what he believes is or are good for him. His other blogs,
www.blogcharm/ will tell you more about him as well as his school and the city where he lives. You will find beautiful pictures of his school life and scenic views of the city by day and by night. All in all, reading this young man's blogs gives you a taste of youth and action. You might want to see for yourself.

1 comment:

karlj said...

Thank you so much ma'am for making 4 links to my blog. I'll also make a link to your blog!