Sunday, December 27, 2009

teachers speaking "carabao" English?

That's simply catasrophic! A teacher, supposed to be the model to her students, is no better than a "carabao" in using the medium of instruction. That is why our graduates aren't any better because many teachers in the grade school, high school, and even in college have inherited the problem from their own teachers and so it goes on and on unless some solutions are done to screen out students who want to become teachers. I believe that this is the root of the problem. Little or no screening is done among those who want to finish a degree in education. It seems like the teaching course only succeeds in inviting students with mediocre IQs and why not? Brilliant students know which courses will lead to good pay and more opportunities. So one good way of solving this problem is by raising the standard of the teaching profession by giving educators better pay and better benefits. Otherwise, we will be hearing more "ungas" than necessary.

Friday, November 13, 2009

teaching is 50% knowledge & 50% communication skills

The value of having good communication skills in the teaching profession can not be taken lightly. Knowledge of the subject matter alone is not enough. A teacher in order to be effective must acquire good communication skills so he or she can effectively teach or transfer information or knowledge to the learners. However, it is sad to note that many teachers do not have the other half of the pie. As majors of the subject they are expected to know it fairly well, but that is not just enough. Being competent in the language that will be used in the teaching process is also as important. Otherwise, the transfer of knowledge will not likely to happen. Seminars and trainings should help but not much.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

almost abandoned but not really.....

Where have I been all these months? It's almost like a year ago since I last did my last blog here. Too bad. I got busy with my other online activities so I thought that I could make this wait. When I visited it today, gosh, December 2008 was my last entry, how embarrassing. Anyway, here's an update: English for Kids and English for Adults are offered starting August 3. Of course they have separate time slots. For more info contact