Wednesday, February 27, 2008

the best school

We get our best education in the streets, don't you think so? I mean, we spend many, many years and lots of money in school that oftentimes fail to give us the kind of education which ought to prepare us to battle life's challenges without giving up.

A lot of things had been prolonged and postponed which ultimately end up costing more. What I am saying is, if there is any opportunity for one, no matter how young or inexperienced, to start his or her career long before finishing a college, then I believe that anyone in his sane mind should grab that opportunity and start facing life early. I see no need to wait until you get your diploma. Now is the right time to etch your destiny. Your education or college diploma should only be an added bonus but not the main reason for one to succeed. One can still succeed even without it. What's your say?


Anonymous said...

I agree with what you have posted ma'am! Definitely you are right! Hmmnn... my personal experience made me realize that diploma isn't really at all the key to success, although, it's a plus factor.

Janjie said...

I definitely agree. Actually, I'm already getting bored of going to school everyday.... I even intentionally miss a class sometimes... (laughs)
Yeah, actually, I've also realized that a diploma is not the only thing one needs to succeed.
Ma'am, I'm also into blogging, and I would be very grateful if you could visit my page and make comments about it. I really want to know what you think about it. Thank you very

gRamiraf said...

Hi guyz! Thanks for dropping by. I visited both your blogs and they are very good. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

the mind seeks knowledge which isnt found on the four walls of a class room.......definitley when it comes to wits and know hows these things are taught in the streets site fir example....frank abignail......linda sojor............

Anonymous said... are all geniuses, guys!